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Moat ETF

Companies with Long-term Competitive Advantages

Marketing Communication

Discover VanEck’s Moat ETF Suite

The ETFs are based on a simple concept: Invest in companies with sustainable competitive advantages normally trading at attractive valuations. Over time, these companies seem well positioned to generate superior returns than the broader market. Morningstar’s forward-looking equity research turns the moat philosophy into an actionable investment strategy. This strategy is accessible through four ETFs from VanEck and could be considered for a US or global equity allocation.

Sources of Economic Moats Found in Our Moat ETFs

Economic moats are sustainable competitive advantages that are expected to allow companies to fend off competition and sustain profitability into the future. Morningstar has identified five sources of economic moats, reflected in this Fund.

The Philosophy Behind the Strategy

The moat investing philosophy, powered by Morningstar’s equity research, brings together its Economic Moat Rating and its forward-looking Fair Value Estimate. The combination of these two elements drives the choice of the companies included in the VanEck's Moat ETF.

Proven Long-Term Outperformance of Moat ETF

Applying Morningstar’s moat investing philosophy to global companies has historically generated excess returns relative to the broad global equity markets. Strong stock selection has been a primary driver of excess returns since 2018 for this long-term, core investment strategy.

Source: Morningstar.

Applying Morningstar’s moat investing philosophy to U.S. companies has historically generated excess returns relative to the broad U.S. equity markets.

Source: Morningstar.

U.S. Wide Moat stocks rigorously screened to reduced Sustainability risk using the data from Sustainalytics and historically generating outperformance to the broad U.S. equity markets.​