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Best Practices for Using Zoom

16 March 2020

Read Time 3 MIN


On March 11, 2020, based largely on guidance from local public health and government authorities, VanEck’s New York-based employees shifted to a temporary work from home policy. Our Business Continuity Planning procedures were tested and retested, and we have been successfully able to function remotely to meet the high standards that clients and regulators expect and deserve.

VanEck’s remote access connectivity for all employees includes the video conferencing platform Zoom—and it has made all the difference. Oftentimes adoption for remote technology is slow, but our employee base has embraced Zoom!

Along the way, a colleague drafted a best practices guide. Some tips may seem obvious, but you would be surprised…

VanEck’s Video Conferencing Best Practices for Zoom

1. Only use one audio source. When logging into Zoom, choose to either use a phone or your computer for audio but NOT both.

2. Do not log into Zoom through VPN. Use your local computer/tablet and make sure you are logged into your account using the appropriate credentials

3. Call in from a quiet location. Everyone participating in the meeting can hear every noise that you make, including the financial news media in the background or your dog barking.  Turn off your home phone or move it to a separate location, especially if you can hear voicemails being left.

4. Mute your line when you are not speaking. In order to minimize distractions, put your line on mute when others are speaking.  If you’re hosting, know where the “mute all” control is—it’s priceless.  If you’re listening to a “mute all” call, hit *6 to be able to speak.

5. Call in on time. You have to be punctual.

6. Observe proper dress code. Just because you are not meeting in person, it does not mean that you do not pay any attention to what you wear when joining a Zoom meeting. You have to dress properly for your meetings.

7. Be comfortable. Find the most comfortable sitting position as you might sit for hours. If you keep changing your position, you might distract the others.

8. Prepare all the necessary documents beforehand. You should be prepared well ahead with all necessary files for the meeting.

9. Avoid shuffling papers loudly. Remember that any noise you make will distract the other participants.

10. Avoid using your phone. If possible, do not use cell phones or other gadgets while having the meeting. You should switch off your cell phone as it might also ring, which can distract other participants.

11. Avoid eating. Although you might be within your comfort zone during the meeting, you should avoid eating during this time.

12. Pay attention and be active. You have to be attentive during the meeting.

13. Keep your table clean. Put aside all your personal items. When in a meeting, items like your phone, wallet or food may distract you and the other participants.

14. Only answer necessary and relevant emails during a meeting. This way, you will be productive and still in sync with other participants.

15. Stick to the agenda. Always stay on topic. Avoid scope creep.



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