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Mastering Your Mindset

05 novembre 2021


Darlene Marshall is a personal trainer and wellness coach with a master's degree in Applied Positive Psychology. In this episode, I speak with Darlene about the effects an ongoing pandemic may have on people’s mindsets and state of wellbeing. Darlene also shares understanding your feelings and reframing your mindset.

While COVID cases in the U.S. have largely diminished, it's not gone yet and it has lasted a lot longer than people expected or hoped. The flexibility of working from home has had its pros/cons depending on who you are, but it seems many are working longer hours at home than they ever have. After 18-months of this, anxiousness, depression and burnout is becoming of growing concern. I wanted to explore how you can identify what you’re feeling and the steps you can take to address it.

Being Better than Fine

Darlene is a holistic wellness expert with nearly a decade of varied experience helping others better understand themselves and one another. Her studies and at the University of Pennsylvania's Applied Positive Psychology program focused on how to facilitate personal transformations. She also delivers her insights in her own Better Than Fine podcast.

Our discussion begins with a little background on her and what her podcast's name means to her, "better than fine". We chat about mindfulness, reframing your mindset, pragmatic optimism, and actionable steps to help encourage a more positive sense of being. I also ask about what a wellness coaching session is like and how exercise and nutrition fit into all of this.

Trend or Fad

Listen for Darlene’s take on mushrooms, connected home fitness, intermittent fasting, social/environmentally conscious brands, and bone broth.

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