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Trends with Benefits #7: Boosting Immunity During the Coronavirus Pandemic

07 April 2020


In this special edition of Trends with Benefits, I am joined by Dennis Mangan, an author and microbiologist by training. Dennis has focused his efforts on lifespan health and longevity for the past ten plus years. More recently, he has spent time extending his research to understand what people can do, from a health and immunity standpoint, to avoid contracting the illness. Our discussion focuses on practical advice for boosting immunity and our body’s ability to cope effectively during the coronavirus pandemic.

While this topic is a departure from my usual content on markets and investing, I thought it would be valuable to share some practical tips regarding things all of us can do to stay healthy and boost our immune systems. 

The Basics

Dennis advises that the healthier we are, the better equipped we will be to cope with the virus. His simple advice includes:

1.  Eat healthy and stay away from highly processed foods.
2.  Prioritize sleep.
3.  Exercise.
4.  Get outside.

These basic rules are common sense. But it’s beneficial to hear from an expert who can connect health and immunity and explain why.

Follow Ed Lopez @ThatEdLopez and Dennis Mangan @Mangan150 on Twitter.


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