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Did you catch all the warning signs prior to the February/March 2020 stock market sell-off? Kind of hard to notice when top line broad market indices kept reaching new highs, but according to J.C. Parets, CMT and founder of All Star Charts, there were obvious signs that risks were rising. In fact, in early February he made a call to raise cash. In this episode I speak with J.C. about technical analysis, current markets, gold and wine.

Watch the Charts

Technical analysis isn’t new and seems as old a practice as there have been markets to analyze. There’s been an equally long debate between those who rely on the charts and those who make investment decisions based on fundamentals, such as analyzing a company’s balance sheet.

Personally, I probably fall somewhere in the middle. Markets have increasingly made little sense fundamentally where prices have disconnected from valuations. Technical analysis can offer a more timely insight into the mind of the market.

Of course, it isn't as simple as that. You have to find a process you like and one that works for you. J.C., through his blog and newsletter makes technical analysis approachable. It's is a far cry from the old technical analysis books I tried to comprehend starting out my career.

If you’re into wine, catch the end of the episode where I talked to J.C. about becoming a sommelier.  He offers ideas for wines to enjoy in quarantine.

Trend or Fad

Listen for J.C.’s take on ‘this rally off the March 23rd bottom’, boxed wines, coconut flour, Peloton, moving averages, and oxtails.

Follow Ed Lopez @ThatEdLopez on Twitter and J.C. Parets @allstarcharts on Twitter and  

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