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Steven Schoenfeld on Israel and Emerging Markets

07 dicembre 2020


In this episode, I catch up with Steven Schoenfeld, CEO of MV Index Solutions. We chat about what Israel's recent accords with the UAE and Bahrain mean for investment in the region as well as the need for reassessing how investors define emerging markets.

Steven is a veteran of the investment management industry with a long history in index development and ETFs. He's also a keen observer of international affairs and of the Middle East in particular. In fact, in 2013 VanEck licensed an index for an Israel-focused ETF from Steven's company BlueStar indexes, which has since been acquired by MVIS. So, it was with great interest I sought out Steven to go over Israel's landmark accords with the UAE and Bahrain. Israel has proven to be a resilient investment destination, especially given its geography, and I was curious how he thought normalization of ties with these countries would help Israel and the region.

As the new CEO of MVIS following its acquisition of BlueStar Indexes in August, Steven has big goals for the index shop. One topic he and I have bantered on about for years is the label 'emerging markets' and how some investors are forced to allocate money based on what may be an outdated categorization. There have been some major changes to the broad EM indexes in recent years which have heightened concentration risks in some cases. He and his team are thinking through new frameworks and solutions for investors.

Trend or Fad

Listen for Steven’s take on cryptocurrency, fractional shares and active non-transparent ETFs.

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