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Preferred Securities Look Attractive, but Mind the Financials

August 14, 2024

Read Time 5 MIN

Preferred securities are trading at attractive discounts, however, just as many are looking to manage their Mag 7 exposure, we believe the same risk management applies to preferreds as well.

Preferred securities prices were hit hard during the rate hiking cycle, leading to valuations not seen since the Global Financial Crisis and creating an attractive entry point for income-oriented investors. Some caution is warranted, however, as turmoil in financials and banks, industries which dominate preferred issuance, continues to linger.

Attractive Valuation and Yield Offer Entry to Preferred Securities

Given their long-dated maturities, and even perpetual nature, preferreds are highly sensitive to changing interest rates and bond yields. With the historic pace of the rate hiking cycle between 2022 and 2023, preferred prices plunged as the Federal Funds Rate rose from near zero to over five percent. Today, preferreds are trading at discounts to par value not seen since the Global Financial Crisis, representing attractive total return opportunities.

Historical Price to Par of The Preferreds Market | Jan. 2000 – July 2024

Historical Price to Par of the Preferreds Market

Source: ICE Data Indices. Preferreds Market represented by the ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index (P0P1). As of 7/31/2024.

The average price of the ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index is now trading at a price-to-par ratio of roughly 0.92, indicating an 8% discount to par and an even greater discount to the 1.07 ratio seen in July 2021, just prior to the start of the rate hiking cycle. Outside of the 2008-2009 financial crisis and very briefly during the 2020 COVID crash, preferreds have rarely traded at the discount level seen today, creating a potential capital appreciation opportunity for investors.

Low prices have created an attractive opportunity from a yield perspective as well. Since yield moves inversely to price, the decline in prices has sent yields on preferreds soaring. The average yield-to-worst of the ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index is now at about 6%. This is up sharply compared to the 3% average yield-to-worst seen at the beginning of 2022, giving investors the chance to lock in high yields on top of the capital appreciation opportunity.

Preferred Securities Have Historically Been Strong Performers Following Rate Hikes

Valuation and yield are one part of the story, but how can investors expect preferreds to perform given our position in current the rate cycle? Looking back at the performance of preferreds during the last four rate hiking cycles, after interest rates peak, returns in the preferreds market have been strong for the next two years. On average preferreds have returned over 15% in the two years following the final rate hike of the cycle. This average return increases to over 20% if you exclude the 2005-2008 rate cycle which was impacted by the Global Financial Crisis. While past performance is not a predictor of future outcomes, this data provides a favorable historical foundation.

Looking at the current cycle, this trend of strong performance following the final rate hike appears to be playing out similar to past cycles. Since the last rate increase, in July 2023, the preferreds market is up a little more than 10%. While it is still early, this recent performance could be a sign of more positive returns in the months ahead, particularly if rate cuts do begin this year and the U.S. economy remains resilient.

Preferreds Performance During Interest Rate Cycles | As of July 2024

Performance of Preferreds During Interest Rate Cycles

Source: ICE Data Indices. Preferreds Market represented by the ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index (P0P1). As of 7/31/2024.

The Concentration Risk That Few Are Talking About

Concerns are abundant around the concentration risk of the meg-cap “Magnificent 7,”  which command nearly 30% of the S&P 500 and significantly influence the U.S. equity market. This concern is well-founded, but there exists another, and arguably more severe, concentration risk that has flown under the radar: the high financials and bank exposure within the preferred securities market.

Following the financial crisis in 2008, banks and other financial institutions began issuing a significant amount of preferred securities to meet the higher capital levels required by regulators. This proliferation of preferreds issuance by financial companies resulted in the sector's concentration, which now makes up over 80% of the U.S. preferreds market. Drilling down even further, the banking industry is specifically responsible for about half of this financial concentration, with the remainder being financial services and insurance companies1.

This issue, though not receiving the same level of attention as the Mag 7, poses a risk that demands scrutiny, particularly as the turmoil of New York Community Bank (NYCM) seen just earlier this year reminds us that many banks are still navigating a challenging environment with high interest rates and impacted commercial real estate loan portfolios that could take years to playout. With banks making up roughly 40% of the preferreds market, any loss of confidence in the sector could severely impact the portfolios of investors. Just like many are looking to manage their Mag 7 equity exposure, I would argue that the same risk management is warranted in the preferreds market as well.

Access to Preferred Securities Without the Financials

Those looking to take advantage of the valuation and yield opportunities present in the preferreds market while also avoiding bank exposure should consider the VanEck Preferred Securities ex Financials ETF (PFXF). PFXF offers investors access to the U.S.-listed preferred securities market that excludes securities issued by financials, which many might find particularly attractive given the current banking concerns.

Beyond the obvious benefits of excluding financials in the current market, ex-financial preferreds generally also offer a number of other benefits over the broad preferreds market that investors might find attractive. Historically higher yield, greater sector diversification and strong relative performance compared to broad preferreds universe.

The VanEck Preferred Securities ex Financials ETF (PFXF) seeks to replicate as closely as possible, before fees and expenses, the price and yield performance of the ICE Exchange-Listed Fixed & Adjustable Rate Non-Financial Preferred Securities Index (PFAN), which is intended to track the overall performance of U.S. exchange-listed hybrid debt, preferred stock and convertible preferred stock issued by non-financial corporations.

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1 Source: ICE Data Indices. As of 2/29/2024. Preferreds market represented by the ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index (P0P1).

“Magnificent Seven” refers to the group of seven mega-cap tech stocks in the S&P 500 that consists of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, NVIDIA and Tesla.

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ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index (P0P1) tracks the performance of fixed rate US dollar denominated preferred securities issued in the US domestic market. ICE Exchange-Listed Fixed & Adjustable Rate Non-Financial Preferred Securities Index (PFAN) is a rules-based index designed to track the overall performance of exchange-listed U.S. dollar denominated hybrid debt, preferred stock and convertible preferred stock publicly issued by non-financial corporations in the U.S. domestic market.

ICE Data Indices, LLC and its affiliates (“ICE Data”) indices and related information, the name "ICE Data", and related trademarks, are intellectual property licensed from ICE Data, and may not be copied, used, or distributed without ICE Data's prior written approval. The licensee's products have not been passed on as to their legality or suitability, and are not regulated, issued, endorsed, sold, guaranteed, or promoted by ICE Data. ICE Data MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND BEARS NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INDICES, ANY RELATED INFORMATION, ITS TRADEMARKS, OR THE PRODUCT(S) (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THEIR QUALITY, ACCURACY, SUITABILITY AND/OR COMPLETENESS).

Index returns are not Fund returns and do not reflect any management fees or brokerage expenses. Certain indices may take into account withholding taxes. Investors can not invest directly in the Index. Returns for actual Fund investors may differ from what is shown because of differences in timing, the amount invested and fees and expenses. Index returns assume that dividends have been reinvested.

An investment in the Fund may be subject to risks which includes, among others, preferred securities, convertible securities, hybrid Securities, foreign securities, credit, interest rate, floating rate, floating rate LIBOR, subordinated obligations, REITs, small- and medium-capitalization companies, utilities sector, real estate sector, information technology sector, market, operational, call, index tracking, authorized participant concentration, no guarantee of active trading market, trading issues, passive management, fund shares trading, premium/discount and liquidity of fund shares, non-diversified, and index-related concentration risks, all of which may adversely affect the Fund. Small- and medium-capitalization companies may be subject to elevated risks.

Investing involves substantial risk and high volatility, including possible loss of principal. Bonds and bond funds will decrease in value as interest rates rise. An investor should consider the investment objective, risks, charges and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus and summary prospectus, which contains this and other information, call 800.826.2333 or visit Please read the prospectus and summary prospectus carefully before investing.

©️ Van Eck Securities Corporation, Distributor, a wholly owned subsidiary of Van Eck Associates Corporation.


1 Source: ICE Data Indices. As of 2/29/2024. Preferreds market represented by the ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index (P0P1).

“Magnificent Seven” refers to the group of seven mega-cap tech stocks in the S&P 500 that consists of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, NVIDIA and Tesla.

This is not an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned herein. The information presented does not involve the rendering of personalized investment, financial, legal, or tax advice. Certain statements contained herein may constitute projections, forecasts and other forward looking statements, which do not reflect actual results, are valid as of the date of this communication and subject to change without notice. Information provided by third party sources are believed to be reliable and have not been independently verified for accuracy or completeness and cannot be guaranteed. The information herein represents the opinion of the author(s), but not necessarily those of VanEck.

ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index (P0P1) tracks the performance of fixed rate US dollar denominated preferred securities issued in the US domestic market. ICE Exchange-Listed Fixed & Adjustable Rate Non-Financial Preferred Securities Index (PFAN) is a rules-based index designed to track the overall performance of exchange-listed U.S. dollar denominated hybrid debt, preferred stock and convertible preferred stock publicly issued by non-financial corporations in the U.S. domestic market.

ICE Data Indices, LLC and its affiliates (“ICE Data”) indices and related information, the name "ICE Data", and related trademarks, are intellectual property licensed from ICE Data, and may not be copied, used, or distributed without ICE Data's prior written approval. The licensee's products have not been passed on as to their legality or suitability, and are not regulated, issued, endorsed, sold, guaranteed, or promoted by ICE Data. ICE Data MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND BEARS NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INDICES, ANY RELATED INFORMATION, ITS TRADEMARKS, OR THE PRODUCT(S) (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THEIR QUALITY, ACCURACY, SUITABILITY AND/OR COMPLETENESS).

Index returns are not Fund returns and do not reflect any management fees or brokerage expenses. Certain indices may take into account withholding taxes. Investors can not invest directly in the Index. Returns for actual Fund investors may differ from what is shown because of differences in timing, the amount invested and fees and expenses. Index returns assume that dividends have been reinvested.

An investment in the Fund may be subject to risks which includes, among others, preferred securities, convertible securities, hybrid Securities, foreign securities, credit, interest rate, floating rate, floating rate LIBOR, subordinated obligations, REITs, small- and medium-capitalization companies, utilities sector, real estate sector, information technology sector, market, operational, call, index tracking, authorized participant concentration, no guarantee of active trading market, trading issues, passive management, fund shares trading, premium/discount and liquidity of fund shares, non-diversified, and index-related concentration risks, all of which may adversely affect the Fund. Small- and medium-capitalization companies may be subject to elevated risks.

Investing involves substantial risk and high volatility, including possible loss of principal. Bonds and bond funds will decrease in value as interest rates rise. An investor should consider the investment objective, risks, charges and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus and summary prospectus, which contains this and other information, call 800.826.2333 or visit Please read the prospectus and summary prospectus carefully before investing.

©️ Van Eck Securities Corporation, Distributor, a wholly owned subsidiary of Van Eck Associates Corporation.